Category Archives: negative voice


Peony from my garden-
Handbook brand journal, PITT Brush pen in cool grey, Daniel Smith watercolors
7.5×16 inches

After looking at this peony, that I cut from my garden specifically to draw, for three days I finally sat down and just made myself do it.  I have been thinking it was too complex and that I could never get it right and that it would take forever…. Basically whining to myself that I am not good enough or that I do not have the time and letting that little voice win.
Well today, after reading Danny Gregory‘s post about that voice, the one we all have that keeps us from doing whatever it is we truly love to do, I just did rather than talk myself out of it.  And as always it feels good.  Feels good to have a finished page, good to have spent an hour painting, and good to not have listened to that nasty little voice in my head telling me I am no good.